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3 Tips for Updating Your Hiring Strategy Plan for Supply Chain Challenges

An individual in a blue uniform and head covering is working on a production line in an industrial setting. They are inspecting or handling clear bottles moving along a conveyor belt. Another person in similar attire is visible in the background, also engaged in the production process. The scene is indoors with artificial lighting, showcasing the machinery and the manufacturing workflow.
The supply chain in multiple industries has been unpredictable since the COVID pandemic, and many economies worldwide are still feeling the effects of it through inflation. Lingering and new disruptions to the supply chain have made it difficult for employers to determine their staffing needs at any given time. Despite these headwinds, there are staffing strategies employers can use to better prepare for and respond to supply chain disruptions

How The Supply Chain Impacts Staffing

Supply chain disruptions create a litany of problems for employers including impacts to their workforce. Often, workers will be personally impacted by the disruption. This can cause inconsistency in their attendance, quality of work, and mindset. Conversely, the employer is often required to mandate unexpected shutdowns or shortened hours which can cause a long-term reduction in labor force participation. This can result in staffing shortages that can cause or expand supply chain disruptions. Eventually the company’s brand and public perception could be damaged by these issues, which can impact hiring strategy plans in the short and long term.  

Multiple different variables can induce supply chain disruptions. While these variables affect labor and recruitment, it’s important to note they have other effects too. The complex machinery for manufacturing, for instance, must be maintained and serviced. If there’s a lull in supply, companies may take advantage of the time to update, repair, and service them. This puts a larger demand on skilled professionals in the maintenance field. 

Current Supply Chain Issues 

Some of the disruptions that have impacted the hiring strategy plan and supply chain for my partners over the last several years include the semiconductor and computer chips shortage, unpredictable pricing and availability of lumber and freight pricing for those shipping and receiving goods.

Inflation and economic uncertainty have played an important role in creating new supply chain issues. Fluctuations in pricing make it difficult to determine how many products to manufacture and how many workers you need on the jobsite. The companies that find ways to adapt quickly to these challenges will be better suited to reach their goals. 

Here are three ways employers can overcome supply chain related staffing issues. 

3 Tips for Updating Your Hiring Strategy Plan

1. Plan For Disruptions

Planning and preparing for when a supply chain disruption occurs is key, because they are inevitable in most industries. These plans will be vast and should include cross training the existing workforce, investing in technology, adaptive work processes or locations.

2. Offer Flexible Scheduling

Demand ebbs and flows for certain industries and products. Some of it is cyclical, and some of it is due to market influence. When production slows down due to supply chain issues, workers can be negatively impacted by the loss of hours. When possible, allowing for part-time work can help retain the workers you have on your team while you work to overcome the disruption. 

3. Working With A Staffing Agency

Employment agencies can help you pick up the slack for supply chain hiring. If you have a deficit in labor or are facing problems with staffing, they can help you find a solution. These firms handle temporary and long-term staffing concerns.

The logistics, warehousing, and manufacturing sectors are the backbones of industry worldwide, but they aren’t immune to the market’s influence. Changes in the supply chain can trickle down to these sectors and make it difficult for employers and managers to figure out their staffing needs accordingly. Employers should expect these disruptions and create proactive strategies to overcome them. Many companies are switching from “Just In Time” to “Just In Case” inventory. Having the same mentality for your workforce needs, especially with vital and skilled workers, could make all the difference when a supply chain issue impacts your business. However, with some preparation, flexibility and assistance employers can adapt to the ever-changing environment and be ready for any challenge.