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Tips for Hiring Welders and How To Retain Them

A welder wearing dark and heavy protective clothing, light brown gloves and welding helmet, welds a seam on a metal frame.

Are we still in the great resignation?

The Great Resignation may be slowing down, but there are still more jobs than available workers as companies continue to retain workers. Exiting employees cite general dissatisfaction, the rapidly rising cost of living and inflation as factors that led them to find new work. Finding talent is tougher than ever, and if you’re a manager you may be wondering how you can keep the welders on your team while attracting new welding talent.

If you think about it, welders are one of the most necessary professions in the entire workforce, regardless of the industry. They’re needed for automobiles, shipbuilding, energy plants — you name it. Without them, your company’s production might grind to a halt. Don’t fret – we’ve curated a list of helpful tips to retain the welders you have and attract ones for open positions.

How to recruit experienced welders

Baby Boomer-era skilled trades workers are retiring in droves. If you limit your searches to the next generation of welders, you will miss out on opportunities to hire and to capture valuable knowledge from experienced workers. It’s best to employ welders of various experience levels to allow for smoother transition when workers retire or find another job.


Welders of any experience level will enjoy working where they feel valued, challenged and part of the bigger picture. When reaching out to potential talent, emphasize upward mobility, growth, and challenging work to get them on board. Once hired, keep welders engaged by offering upskilling opportunities so they can add new skills. You can also engage more experienced welders with mentorship opportunities and routinely ask for their ideas on how to improve your welding program.

Salary and perks

People leaving in the wake of the Great Resignation frequently cite stagnant salaries, higher cost of living, and inflation with their two-week notice. Naturally, one of the best ways to attract and retain welding talent is to offer competitive pay.

If your company can afford it, make the salary competitive with other companies hiring welders in your area. Consider benefits and perks like healthcare insurance, childcare stipends, sign-on bonuses, or a flexible schedule. Even if the job provides a great opportunity for growth, welders won’t care if they can’t pay the bills.

Combine job board posts with social media

It’s truly a seeker’s job market and they’re likely searching for jobs on various sites and platforms. Be sure to take advantage of this and post your job on every relevant job search platform possible. Job boards like Aerotek’s Career Opportunities, Monster, and Indeed are just some examples. If you get your job offer on these online job search sites, there’s a better chance you’ll be able to find a welder to fill it.


Finding talent is tough during the Great Resignation and prolonged searches can cause various business challenges.

By engaging both experienced and novice welders, making the position itself more attractive and getting the position in front of as many eyes as possible — you should be able to attract talent even in the labor shortage.

Aerotek works tirelessly to place in-demand professionals in roles where they can excel and be a value to your team. Contact us today and let us know about your workforce challenges.